Decision Time 2 on 1

This drill works on decision making in a 2 on 1 situation. The drill is great for station based or ADM type practices as it requires only one quarter of the ice, but you can make it a half ice drill if you go out of both sides at the same time.
Place two lines of players as shown in the diagram and place a border or obstacle just inside the blue slightly higher than the top of the circle. A coach should be placed at about the dot.
The drill starts with P1 carrying a puck straight ahead into the zone and then making a sharp cut towards the middle in front of the pad. Player two also skates straight ahead and then makes a sharp cut towards Player 1 to receive a drop pass. Player 2 will receive the drop pass, go around the pad, and then make a decision to pass or keep the puck based on the coaches action. If the coach pressures Player 2 then they pass the puck. If the coach takes away the pass then player 2 carries the puck and shoots on net.
Coaching Points
- Players should make sharp turns so they are moving horizontally across the ice when making the drop pass.
- Drop pass should be to Player 2's forehand.
- Player 2 needs to have eyes on coach to read the situation.
- Make sure both players stop at net for rebound.
- Coach playing defense can be switched to be a player.
- You can allow the defense to be fully active.
- You can turn it into a 2 vs 2 with a backchecker (shown in video example).
we can do this on both sides in as many corners (three perhaps) after skating drills...
Nice scissor drill