2 vs 1 Rebound Battle Drill

2 vs 1 Rebound Battle Drill

Winning loose puck battles can be a major deciding factor in the outcome of a game. This battle drill challenges players to compete for a loose puck after a rebound. After the loose puck battle is won, the player with the puck must pass it back to the point, which will begin a 2 vs 1. 


  • A coach or player dumps the puck on net and the goalie plays it to either corner.
  • 2 players are spread out and charge into the corner to compete for the puck. Whoever comes out with the puck must pass it to the point player to begin a 2 vs 1.
  • The drill is stopped after a goal, the goalie freezes it, or the puck is moved out of the zone.

Offensive Coaching Points:

  • Players who arrive at the puck first should work on deceptive fakes with their body to escape from the corner. Fakes with your hips are extremely effective in this situation.
  • Once you have the puck, protect it, get your head up and make a pass to the point.
  • The point should be active calling for the puck and moving to space.

Defending Coaching Points:

  • The defender should work on playing the body in the corner.
  • When 2 vs. 1 begins, the defender should hold the middle and try to force a bad angle shot.
  • Have good stick position. Do not swing your stick as it will open up passing lanes and make you off balance.


  • You can add a second point player to make this battle a 2 vs 2. Watch a video demo here.


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