High Tempo 2 vs. 2 to Net

High Tempo 2 vs. 2 to Net

A fast-paced 2 vs. 2 game that allows the forwards to attack either net to score while the defense works to defend both goals. The defense can score a point by stripping the puck and making 4 consecutive passes in a row. Communication is a must to be successful!

  • Why are the Forwards & Defence set up differently instead of just setting up like a normal faceoff?
    • It forces the D to react quickly! One D will be forced to immediately go backwards while one jumps to backcheck. They will need to communicate with each other to be successful.
  • Why does the game allow the forwards to score on either net?
    • ​It prevents the defense from cheating before the game starts!

Game Objective: 

  • Forwards: After the forwards receive a pass from the coach, they wortk together to score on either net.
  • Defense: The defense must work together to prevent the forwards from scoring. If the defense steals the puck, they must pass the puck to each other 4 times in a row to get a point.
  • Coaches: Alternate forwards and defenseman and keep track of the score!


  • Players: Use 2 cones and the hash marks to set up the forwards and defense (as pictured above). If you do not have hash marks you can add 2 additional cones so players are set up evenly.
    • This setup puts the defense in a situation where one will start skating backwards and one will be backchecking. 
  • Coach: Can pass to either forward to start the game. Bonus points if you change it up, add deception and give some bouncing passes.
  • Goalies / nets: Use 2 goalies if you have them. If you do not have goalies you can have players skate or pass through a set of tires.
  • Size: This game can be set up half-ice or quarter ice. The smaller the ice, the faster the decisions will need to be made.

Coaching Points:

  • Move With Tempo! Forwards should explode immediately when they get the puck.
  • Communicate: Both forwards and defense need to communicate with their partners to be successful.
  • Head up: Encourage players with and without the puck to keep their head up to read the play and jump to space.
  • Use Deception: Forwards should not be afraid to skate one way and quickly transition to the other net. 
  • Skating Tips: Defense should practice the backwards crossover start shown in the video below and forwards should work on tight turns to help create time and space or protect the puck.
  • Puckhandling Tips: Forwards should protect the puck and then practice the "attack position" (shown in the video below) when they have space to challenge a defender. This position allows the forward to shoot, pass, or make another move all from one setup.


  • Can be modified to be 3 vs. 3 or 3 vs. 2 (3 forwards and 2 defensemen). 
  • The smaller the space, the quicker decisions will need to be made. This game can be set up cross ice or in a smaller 1/4 ice station.
  • Add a couple of tires that players need to pass around to keep their head up.
  • Add a game constraint (examples: can only shoot if it is a one timer, need to make one sauce pass before you can shoot

This diagram was created with the IHS Drill Designer. Draw drills for free today!

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