The Boston Bruin

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Jason Lammers explains The Boston Bruin. This drill is a full ice warm-up drill that can help players warm up their hands and body in the beginning of practice. Coaches can build off of this setup to have 2 on 0's and also work on different zone entry concepts, like getting to the center of the ice.


  • Line up players on the 4 neutral zone dots, all sides have pucks.
  • On the whistle, 2 alternating corners take a few strides and then pass to the player across from them.
  • The player that passed the puck now opens up along the boards to receive the pass back, then skates over the blue line, cuts to the middle of the ice to take a shot.

Coaching Points

  • Players should keep sticks on the ice to let their teammates know where they want the puck.
  • Players should shoulder check as they are opening up
  • Players should cut to the middle of the ice after entering the blue line


  • Coaches can build this up to be 2 v 0 and have 2 players pass the puck, open up and go down the ice to shoot.
  • Coaches can add light pressure at the blue lines to force the players to keep their head up and decide which way to go.
  • Coaches can require players to work on certain concepts (shooting in stride, cutting to the middle of the ice, etc)

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