Puck Protection Down Low

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This drill is designed for forwards.  The emphasis is moving the feet, protecting the puck, tight turns, and quick shots.  It is a good drill to work with players before or after practice or in ice sessions with a few players.  The cones are just set up as guides but as players are more familiar with the drill the cones are not necessary.  The first player starts with a puck just inside the blue line.  They carry a puck around the cones and behind the net.  The player should keep their body between the cones (or pretend defender) and the puck.  The player keeps their feet moving to the far postand does a tight control turn.  Next the player does a figure eight as shown in the diagram and animation maintaining good puck control and always moving their feet. After the figure eight player drives into the slot.  Just after they get inside the face off dot they shoot.  Emphasis is on driving to the middle and shooting while moving their feet.


Coachclifford19 on 1/3/2019


tanjavlahovich on 3/6/2018

down low puck protection


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