Half Ice Finnish Series Setup

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This is a half ice skill development setup where you can run as many skill variations as you want depending on the skill level of your players. This setup allows you to use the half ice in a way that allows players to get a lot of repetitions. The animation shows an example of the following four skills:

  1. Mohawk Pivots - open hips towards the tire, heels together.
  2. Backwards Underhandling - cradle the puck smoothly as you skate backwards around the tires, the less stickhandling the better.
  3. Escapes - approach the tire forwards, use a 360 degree turn away from the tire, close the blade of the stick to control puck.
  4. Long Reaches - skate in a straight line between tires and use long reach to move puck outside each tire.


jeff.chapman on 7/17/2019

Finish Series 

CoachErwin on 1/23/2019

Finnish warm up


Gener11 on 9/5/2018

I like the skills element of this drill, focuses on individual puck habdling and can add a passing element to the drill.

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