Forehand Shooting Fundamentals #2

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This drill also works on basic fundamentals of the forehand shot. The players will collect the puck at about the top of the circle on their forehand. As they continue around the pad they will keep the puck on their forehand and take a shot once they are clear of the pad.

Set up the drill with the left handed players in line to the goalie's left and the right handed players to the goalie's right. The coach will start the drill by placing a puck at the top of the circle. Take turns alternating lines and make sure the goalie has enough time to recover.

Coaching Points

  • keep the puck in shooting position as you go around the pad.
  • keep puck back in stance as mush as possible.
  • use good weight transfer, weight should be on foot closet to the goal after the shot.
  • use inside edges as you collect the puck and skate around the pad.


jeff.chapman on 7/17/2019

Shooting while skating

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