Find the Lane Shooting Drill

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This is a shooting drill for defense to work on accuracy from shooting from the point from a stationary position and while pulling the puck. To set up the drill place two nets facing each other close together to create a lane where the shooter will be trying to shoot the pucks through. The player is at the blue line with a pile of pucks. The player simply pulls pucks out of the pile and shoots with their head up through the lane created by the facing nets.

The next progression has the player pull a puck along the blue line with their head up until they can shoot through the lane. Once they shoot the puck they skate forward to the pile of pucks, transition backwards, and pull another puck along the blue line to take another shot. The coach can designate how many times they should do this without a break.

Key Points:

  • Keep you head up and over the puck to generate power.
  • Make sure to keep the puck under the cross bar and ideally have players shooting low so thay players in front of the net can get a deflection.
  • When pulling the puck along the blue line keep the puck on the forehand as much as possible so you can release the puck at any time.


Gtsoukalas on 1/4/2019


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