Practice Notes
3 vs. 3 Handball Game
Gates of Buffalo Small Area Passing Game
Half Ice Slalom Races
Corner Boards 1 V 1 Loose Puck Battle
Double Gates Activation Game
Union Small Area Scoring Game
This practice plan is focused on fun and engaging competitions for players to use their skills to battle and work together. Modify the goals or points systems in each game based on your team's level and ability.
This practice encourages age-appropriate situations for 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. A great way to build instincts, teamwork and skills in fun, game-like situations.
Practice Diagram

A great way to get players to think about spacing and puck support. Start practice with this game to get the competitiveness started right away, while also encouraging communication and letting the players figure out how they can work together to score goals.
Keep score based on number of successful passes made between the gates.
Incorporate skating and puck protection skills with relay races.
Progress the drill to start as a 2v2 with the opportunity to activated a third player to make it a 3v2.