The Slovakian Re-Group from TJ Manastersky, the Head Coach of Brock University, practices passing, timing, awareness, and communication.
- Start on whistle. Both sides start at once. (The notes below will explain one side, and the diagram above).
- Both defensemen start by going out to left, pivots forward to backward at the red line, receives pass from forward (Pass 1), skates backwards, opens up, and pivots forward to pass to forward on other side (Pass 2).
- After receiving a pass, the green forward gets off the wall, attacks the net for a shot with feet moving, stops at net.
- The red defenseman repeats pattern on other side, pivots forward to backward at the red line, receives pass from the second green forward in line (Pass 3), skates backwards, opens up, and pivots forward to pass to forward on other side (Pass 4).
- The red defenseman follows the play up to blue line.
- The red defenseman receives pass from line (Pass 5), changes angle for a point shot.
- Coaches can add light pressure throughout the drill to force players to always keep their head up.
Coaching Points
- Defense eyes up
- Forwards keep speed
- Show target
Full ice, flowing, passing, shooting. You might need to modify the amount of skaters to run this but it has some good stuff all in one drill.